Friday, November 19, 2010

A Quick 'Hello' and- Christmas Card Exchange??

Hi everyone! We are still here, just having a busy fall. The weather has been uncommonly nice so we have been taking lots of trips to the park, which Dobby loves. I've been busy with school, but that just means Dob can enjoy quiet evenings snuggled next to me while I work :)

I just this week got out my Christmas things- I'm going home to Maryland for Thanksgiving, so I am decorating before I leave (so I will get to come home to Christmas cheer!) I found lots of great cards from four-legged friends from the past two years we have been a part of this great community but it made me think "HEY! What about this year?" So: Are we having a card exchange? I would love to send you all cards, and would really enjoy getting cards from anyone who sends them out. Please email me if you're interested in swapping cards (or just receiving one!) at sekelly2 (at) gmail (dot) com.

UPDATE: Thanks for telling me about Fiesty Three! I emailed them. If you're not on their list, though, please still email me directly if you'd like a card!


Lacy said...

w00fs, sure Dobby, i will peemail u soon...

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Dobby!
No official DWB Card Exchange this year but you can send an email to the Fiesty Three. ( They have already sent the list but I am sure they can add you if you want.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kisses and hugs

♥ Sallie said...

Yes. Fiesty Three. I just got the card exchange list!
I hope we can be friends.

sprinkles said...

I linked to you from the card exchange. I have two little chihuahuas - Shiver and Chico. You're awfully cute! Hope we can be friends.

Jemma Chihuahua said...

We're going to e-mail you now!