Saturday, August 15, 2015

Long Time No See!

Hi everyone!  It has been so long since I posted, and so long since I kept up with you all.  I wonder if anyone still checks ChihuahuaPost or thinks about Dobby.  I have saved so many cards from DWB friends over the years, and still put some of your Christmas cards up each year.  What a great time we had! 

I know I posted about moving to West Virginia, and now we have another big move coming up.  I am becoming a home owner with Dobby's daddy!  We are moving near Pittsburgh, PA.  If any of you DWB folks live near there, we should definitely have playdates.  Owning a house will be so exciting.  There is a fenced in yard for Dobby... AND Dobby's sister, Emma!

We got Emma last July 4th.  She is also a rescue, probably a chihuahua terrier mix, about 2 years old.  She is very silly and derpy, and we call her the weasel because she is so squirmy and slippery.  She has adjusted well in the past year of living with us, though, and she is more loving and trusting now even though she's still a little shy and skittish. 

Here's Dobby's sister, Emma:

 You can see her favorite toy in these two pictures: we call it Squirrel Baby.  She carries it around and brings it to us when we get home.  It's adorable. 

And you can see how gray Dobby is getting!  He turns 9 in about three weeks.

That's all for now!  Please comment to say hi if you still read ChihuahuaPost!